Thursday, October 27, 2016

Reading: These Robots are Wild!

Our week 3 theme is Scientific Discoveries. After brainstorming with our classmates, we came up with a great list of how scientific discoveries have made an impact on people. Each class came up with some amazing responses: Medicine to make us heal faster, vaccines to keep us healthy and to live longer, a better understanding of severe weather to warn the public faster, cell phones, TVs, and many other common household tools.
         Our reading story this week continues with this theme. We're reading a story about robots, and how scientists are using robots to do special jobs, such as, searching for survivors after an earthquake!
Our skill practice for the week is Author's Purpose. We'll learn that an author writes a story for 3 basic reasons or purposes: To inform, To Entertain, or To Persuade. Sometimes an author will combine 2 of these reasons. What do you think the author's purpose was when he wrote, These Robots are Wild!?
Author's Purpose Practice

Fun vocabulary game: Vocabulary Game 

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