Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Reading: Hidden Worlds

Week 1 Theme: Scientists at Work...we've learned that there are many different types of scientists who study many diverse topics. Scientist research, investigate, and observe to learn more about our world and the creatures in it. By collecting data, scientists hope to use their knowledge to connect to the real world, and help others.

     Our reading story this week is called Hidden Worlds. It is an expository text that teaches us about an intelligent scientist named Dennis Kunkel, a biologist who studies microscopic life forms through an electron microscope. This story is filled with vivid photographs that spark our interests in science! Our skill for this week is sequencing...putting events from a text in order. We're also working on summarizing a text using the correct sequence.

Here's our vocabulary for the week, along with a interactive vocabulary game!!!

Vocabulary Game

Want to practice your sequencing skills?  Try out this website!
Sequencing Games

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