Saturday, August 27, 2016

Reading: Goin' Somplace Special

  This week, we are discussing and building background information about our Unit 1 Theme: Taking a Stand. People take a stand for different reasons....injustice, discrimination, etc. Week 1's Theme: Fighting Back, goes even further with our unit theme. We are learning how people, young and old, fight back. Some people that we've met so far are Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Rosa Parks.
  Throughout these 2 weeks, we are focusing on character, setting, and plot. On Thursday, we learned our vocabulary words and made a study guide foldable. Remember, study these words each night, and turn in your foldable next Thursday with your test for BONUS POINTS!!! Here's a vocabulary game you can use to learn and practice your new words - ENJOY!

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