Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Reading: The Unbreakable Code

Talking in Codes is our theme this week. What are some different codes that you know about? What situations would someone use codes? Here are some of your ideas (and let me say, brain power was high today)...hand signals, such as in baseball or football, Morse Code, pictures/ symbols, sign language, "truck driver talk", secret handshakes, texting, etc. People use codes for many different reasons. For example, hospitals, police, and schools use codes in emergency situations, or militaries use codes to keep important information secret.
    In our historical fiction story this week, The Unbreakable Code, a Navajo boy named John learns about when his grandfather, and other Navajo soldiers, used their Navajo language to send secret messages during the war. The enemy never broke their code, and these men were able to save many lives and help win the war.
Our skill this week is author's perspective. Author's perspective reveals his or her opinions or attitudes toward a subject that affect themes. The author's writing may be slanted to show how he or she feels about a topic. Why is this important? Evaluating the author's perspective toward a topic can help you decide what to believe, if you need to check another source, or whether or not you agree or disagree with the author.

Here's our vocabulary for the week, along with your vocabulary game! 

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