Friday, March 31, 2017

Reading: Computer Station: April 3rd-7th

This week, our focus is on Figurative Language. Review Figurative Language with these Power Points and Games. Once you've completed the practice, you can go to:

Education Galaxy
2. MAP Practice

Figurative Language PP
Easy As Pie PP
Figurative Language Game
More Figurative Language Games

What is the above idiom? What does the idiom in the image mean?

Monday, March 20, 2017

Reading: Analogies!

Remember, back in the Fall, we learned about Analogies.  Analogies are statements that show a relationship between two words.  Analogies can be written several different ways. For example,

tiny is to enormous as quick is to ______
tiny: enormous :: quick: ______

We can also use bridge maps to write out our analogies.

   Tiny     quick
enormous      ?

For another review of analogies, try this link!

For extra practice, try this game!

Spelling Lists: Part 3

Unit 22

Unit 23

Unit 25

Unit 26

Unit 27

Unit 28

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

STAAR Reading Review!

Don't worry about getting bored over the break!  Here are some activities to keep your brain growing!

Jeopardy Review Game!
Reading Vocabulary Practice...try to beat my time! I got 42.6 seconds!!!

And Don't forget these resources...

First, click on the instructional video for help on how to navigate this site.
Then, choose a story from the over 60 titles available!
Keep practicing and do your BEST!

Click Here to get started!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Grammar: Irregular Verbs

We will use and understand the function of irregular verbs in the context of reading, writing, and speaking; I will take notes on irregular verbs, then I will complete an irregular verb chart.

Irregular Verb Powerpoint

Reading: Computer Station: March 6th-24th

This week we are going to review and practice:Making Inferences and Antonym Analogies.  
When we make inferences, we use clues from the text, along with schema (personal experiences), to make an educated guess about the text.
Inference Game
Making Inferences 

Our vocabulary practice this week is antonym analogies. Remember, antonyms are words that mean the opposite of another word.  For example, gigantic is the antonym for tiny.
Analogies, show us a relationship between words, once we figure out the relationship, we can learn new words, as well as, figure out the missing word.
Antonym Matching 
More Antonyms 

Which word would complete this antonym analogy? Click on leave a comment to complete the analogy.

gigantic : tiny :: beautiful : ___________

*Once you finish the blog activities, you may finish your BioCube, yes, you have a few extra days to complete your BioCube! or work on 
Education Galaxy reading activities*