Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reading: Computer Station: Feb. 27th- March 3rd

This week, we are going to be practicing Cause/ Effect.  Read the poster to review this skill: 

Here are a few games to play for practice...Click Here! Or Here!!!
   Our vocabulary focus this week is Roots! Remember, many of the words we use in the English language derive from Greek or Latin roots.  By understanding what these roots mean, we can learn the meaning of many unfamiliar words.  Here our some sites you can use to practice roots:

Respond:  What would be a possible effect to this cause?
              I made a mistake and hurt my classmates feelings.

Reminder!!! BioCube Projects are due March 3rd!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

STAAR Reading Comprehension Practice

Here's a great website I found recently to help prepare you for our upcoming STAAR reading test.

First, click on the instructional video for help on how to navigate this site.
Then, choose a story from the over 60 titles available!
Keep practicing and do your BEST!

Click Here to get started!

Want More?
Click Here for STAAR Math Practice!
Click Here for STAAR Science Practice!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Reading: Computer Station- Week: Feb.13th -17th

This week, our skill focus is on Fact and Opinion.  A fact is something that we can prove to be true or false.  For example,

Texas Tech University is located in Lubbock, Texas. 

We could use a computer search or a map to verify our fact.

An opinion is what someone thinks or believes.  For instance, 
 Texas Tech is the best university!

Here are links for some Fact and Opinion practice:
     Our vocabulary skill this week is multiple meaning words. Multiple Meaning words are words that have more than one meaning.  It's important to use your context clues to see how the author used the word in the text. Here is a list of multiple meaning words and the different ways they are used in a sentence: Click Here!

Monday, February 6, 2017

February is Black History Month!

Coming this week...
    We will be starting our Black History Month Projects!  Be thinking about an influential African American that you would like to research and do a project on.  

Check out the link below for ideas and directions.

Black History Month Project
Project Rubric
Need ideas on who to do your project on??? Click Here for help!
Cube Creator Link...click me!
Finished Product:

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Reading: Persuasive Texts

Day 1:
In a persuasive text, the author often wants the reader to formulate a certain belief, attitude, or proposed action. 
*make the reader want to do something:
  1. take an action (example, vote for a person running as class president)
  2. buy a product (example, buy a backpack that can be folded)
*author wants the reader to think the same way he/she does about a subject.
  1. agree with the author. (example, agree that everyone should recycle)
Authors use three different types of arguments to convince readers:
  •  Parallelism: authors repeating words, phrases, or similar grammatical structures to draw an analogy
  • Comparison: shows how two things are alike
  • Causality: shows how one thing leads to another

Day 2:  Persuasive Language
 What is the purpose of persuasion?
  • to convince the reader to formulate a certain belief, attitude, or proposed action.
What techniques do author’s use to persuade?  
  • Contradiction is a technique used to declare against something and cause the reader to question his/her beliefs or understanding.
  • Exaggeration is a technique that overstates the facts leading to a false sense of importance.
  • Misleading is a technique that uses unreliable information to mislead the reader.
In what context are persuasion techniques found? 

  • Advertisements
  • Letter to editors
  • Magazines
  • Nonfiction