Friday, September 30, 2016

2nd Grading Period Symbaloos!!!

I can't believe we are already starting our 2nd 6 weeks!!!  Here are the skills that we will be working on in readingmath, and science-ENJOY!

Reading: Patriot Technology Project

This week we are starting our research project!  See Power Point for instructions.

Patriot Project
Project Grading Rubric

Reading: Sleds on Boston Common

Our story for this week and next week is a Historical Fiction story, where fictional characters take part in an event that actually took place in the past...The American Revolution. Boston in 1774 is a difficul time: The British king has closed the ports, people have no money, and British soldiers occupy the city. On a snowy, winter day, Henry Price and his siblings want to have some fun. They rush to the Boston Commons to sled in the snow with Henry's new sled, a birthday present from his father. However, there are British soldiers all over the hills. Henry tells the British general that the children want to sled. He understands that sledding is important to the children, so he orders his men to move. The children end up having fun.

This week we're working on drawing conclusions...using clues from the story to arrive at a new understanding about the characters or events in the story. For example, when Henry walks up to General Gage and asks him to have his soldiers move their tents and supplies so they can go sledding, we came to the conclusion that Henry is brave and courageous. 

Here is the vocabulary power point for this week, along with our vocabulary game-ENJOY!

Sleds on Boston Common Vocabulary

Vocabulary Game!

Monday, September 26, 2016

S.S.- 5 Regions of the United States

There are 5 different geographic regions in the United States.  Each region has unique qualities, such as climate, natural resources, landforms, industry, and plant/ animal life.  Watch the video for more information:
Flocabulary 5 Regions of the U.S. Video

You are going to pick one of the 5 geographic regions of the US (Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Midwest, or West) and create a travel brochure for that region.  You can use the information from the video, as well as, your own research to complete the brochure template.


Check out my Grading Rubric to see what I'll be looking for when grading your project and presentation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Reading: The Night of San Juan

Our story this week is a fictional story called The Night of San Juan. The Night of San Juan, a night when people walk backward into the the ocean at midnight 3 times are supposed to have good luck. Evelyn and her two sisters want to invite their friend Jose Manuel, a boy whose stern grandmother doesn't allow him to play outside, to come with them to the beach. The girls scheme to get into his house. Once they do, they find that Jose's grandmother is not scary. She allows Jose Manuel to go to the celebration. Now Evelyn is sure that Jose Manuel will have good luck from then on!

This week we're working on problem and solution (conflict/ resolution). In stories, characters often face a problem. By the end of the story, the problem is solved...called the resolution. We can learn a lot about characters as we watch them solve their problems.

Question: How could we solve this problem?

I lost my spelling list, and the test is tomorrow-HELP!  Respond and you could earn a prize!

Here is your vocabulary power point and game for the week:

Friday, September 16, 2016

Grammar: Complex Sentences!

Complex Sentences are a type of sentence that combines an independent clause with a dependent clause.  We combine these 2 related ideas with the conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, if, since, so that, until, when, whether, and while. Check out this video for a better understanding:
Complex Sentence Awesomeness!  You can get some extra practice with the game links below:
Complex Sentence Game
Simple/Compound/or Complex Game

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Reading: Maya Lin, Architect of Memory

Week 3 Theme: Remembering the Past...How do we pay tribute to those who stand up for what they believe in? In our story this week, some people, like Maya Lin, design memorials to celebrate those people who fight for what is right, or what they believe in. Maya Lin is an architect, and has designed many things including: a huge clock, a park, and two memorials here in the United States.

This week, we'll also be learning about main idea and summary. The main idea is the most important point an author makes about a topic. To find the main idea, think: What is the author talking mostly about? Remember a summary helps you as a reader better understand what you have just read. A summary has 3 parts: BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END.

Here's your vocabulary for the week, as well as a fun game!

Vietnam Veterans Memorial. . Photography. Britannica ImageQuest. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 May 2016. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Grammar: Compound Sentences!

Compound Sentences Introduction

   When we join simple sentences together, we need to make sure to use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.  To remember these coordinating conjunctions, think of FANBOYS:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Spelling: Unit 2-5 Lists

No spelling this week, but here are a few spelling lists if you want to get ahead of the game!

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Remember, you can also find all of our spelling lists at Spelling City.  There are games and practice tests that will help you prepare for upcoming tests!

Reading: Shiloh

  This week we're reading the story Shiloh. We are learning about making inferences....using clues and prior knowledge related to the text to make logical decisions or predictions about the story's event and characters' actions that are NOT stated directly. Here is our vocabulary for this week. Make sure you practice these words for your test on Friday!

What to practice inferences???  Check out this link: Inference Fun!

Reading: Idioms and Adages!

Are you pulling my leg?  No jokes here...idioms are fun and make a story/ writing more interesting!  Here are a few power points on idioms and adages!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Grammar: Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates

  This coming week, we will review complete subjects and complete predicates with this Prezi.
You can practice with this awesome Game!